We exist to inspire the development of vibrant family culture so parents and caregivers can help their children develop into healthy adults


Foundations of Family Culture

Parenting PRIDE Skills Series (Praise, reflection, imitation, descriptions, enjoyment. For ages 2-6)

Parenting Foundations

Connecting Families+Connecting LEGO

Lego Reviews


Christmas Traditions

Family Playlists

About Us

We exist to inspire the development of vibrant family culture so parents and caregivers can help their children develop into healthy adults.

You will discover ideas here to inspire the establishment and practice of healthy family culture through creative and fun ideas.




a shared set of values, ideas, concepts, and rules of behavior that allow a social group to function and perpetuate itself

If you love your kids, LEGOS, Christmas, and different ways to have fun together as a family, you will find inspiration, encouragement, and equipping as parents and caregivers in the great journey of raising healthy adults!

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