Complete Series: PRIDE Skills

Over the past month, Chris has been sharing insight he learned in a professional certification called PCIT (Parent Child Interactive Therapy). These are called PRIDE skills: P=labeled praise, R=reflection, I=imitation, D=description, E=enjoyment. They are geared for kids 2-6 years old but I believe offer great perspective to human interaction! Below are links to each post highlighting each of the different PRIDE skills. Enjoy exploring connection with your kids using these skills!

P = Labeld Praise – Read more

R = Reflection – Read more

I = Imitation – Read more

D = Description – Read more

E = Enjoyment – Read more

As a disclaimer, the PRIDE skills are not our original ideas but that of Sheila Eyberg, Ph.D. and Beverly Funderburk, Ph.D.  More information can be found at (